The compile error occurs when compiling to use the evaluation license of DS500-BN-00022-r5p0-29rel1.
Please guide me to solve this compilation error like below.
I installed the evaluation license of DS500-BN-00022-r5p0-29rel1 in my PC.
scons: *** [D:\chonwy\lq741s_le20\trustzone_images\core\securemsm\trustzone\monitor\common\build\tz\cortexA7\MARAANAA\src\tzbsp_qdss.o] Error 1ARM C/C++ Compiler, 5.01 [Build 94]Error: C9932E: Cannot obtain license for Compiler (feature compiler5) with license version >= 5.0201203Feature has expired.Feature: compiler5Expire date: 25-jan-2018License path: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\ARM\DS-5\licenses\DS-5 Ultimate Edition (30-day Evaluation).lic;FLEXnet Licensing error:-10,32For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,available at "".Cannot obtain license for Compiler (feature bsp_compiler5) with license version >= 5.0201203No such feature exists.Feature: bsp_compiler5License path: C:\Users\Developer\AppData\Roaming\ARM\DS-5\licenses\DS-5 Ultimate Edition (30-day Evaluation).lic;FLEXnet Licensing error:-5,357For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,available at "".
I'm Paul Black, the Product Manager for Arm Compilers. Good to meet you - sorry you're having problems!
At a first glance, it looks like your evaluation has expired. The evaluation has a lifespan of 30 days, which is perfect for taking a look at the tools and deciding how well they work for you. However it looks like your evel license expired in January - is this an evaluation that you first started at the end of last year?
It looks like you're using Arm Compiler 5.01 for a project targeted for Cortex-A7 hardware? Compiler 5.01 was a fine compiler in its day, and to be fair is still pretty competitive even today, it was genuinely ahead of its time! However it was released about 8 years ago now, and time has moved on. Our current compiler is Arm Compiler 6.11, and in terms of functionality, performance, usability, code density, and other areas we've been working hard since Compiler 5.01 was released. Would the latest generation Arm Compiler be more suitable for your needs?