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What's the difference between LDAXR and LDREX

Hi experts:

In armv8 specification, I have found two types of exclusive access instructions: LDAXR/STLXR and LDREX/STREX. I have some questions about these instructions:

(1)  What's the difference between these exclusive access instructions?

(2) Is LDREX/STREX only for non-cacheable memory?

(3) Is LDAXR/STLXR only for cacheable memory?

I have tried LDAXR/STLXR, When I perform a exclusive read to a shared cacheable memory location and then perform a exclusive write to this address, It seems fine and STLXR return status (w2) is 0, as expected. the part of code is below:

MOV x0, #0xd1000000  // this is a shareable cacheable address

LDAXR x1, [x0] // exclusive read

LDR w1, =0xabcd1234

STRXR w2, w1, [x0] // exclusive write

But When I perform a exclusive read to a shared non-cacheable address location i.e. DDR, this will response  EXOAKY, and the perform a exclusive write to this address, it didn't response EXOKAY but OKAY ( w2 is 1), thus the exclusive write is failed. I don't know why.

MOV x0, #0x40000000  // this is a shareable non-cacheable address (DDR)

LDAXR x1, [x0] // exclusive read

LDR w1, =0xabcd1234

STRXR w2, w1, [x0] // exclusive write