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AXI 4 protocol - can read transaction and write transaction occur at the same time?

AXI 4 protocol -  can read transaction and write transaction occur at the same time?

In addition can 2 or more wrirte transacation occur at the same time?

  • AXI 4 protocol - can read transaction and write transaction occur at the same time?
    Sure, of course.
    can 2 or more wrirte transacation occur at the same time?
    No, write transaction uses write channel, they must be sent in order.
  • Under the assumption that by "occur at the same time" you mean "be outstanding at the same time", then the answers to your questions are:
    >>AXI 4 protocol - can read transaction and write transaction occur at the same time?
    [S] Yes
    >>In addition can 2 or more write transactions occur at the same time?
    [S] Yes

    - A read transaction is defined to be outstanding from the cycle in which ARVALID/ARREADY handshake happens to the cycle in which the last (as indicated by RLAST) associated RVALID/READY handshake happens

    - A write transaction is defined to be outstanding from the cycle in which the earliest of AWVALID/AWREADY and WVALID/WREADY handshakes happens to the cycle in which the associated BVALID/BREADY handshake happens