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ARM v7 Instruction Set Architecture Opcode Code


I am working with some ARM hardware and I wrote a program in ARM Assembly. The ARM hardware that I am using requires the the program to be in HEX values and I found a website online that allowed me to convert the ARM Assembly language to HEX, the converter I used is 'x32 - ARM32/AArch32/ARMv7'. I would like to verify that the online converter works correctly so I have been looking online for an ARM Instruction Set Architecture document or manual for ARMv7.

I did find the manual for ARMv7 but I couldn't find the Opcode HEX values for the corresponding ARM assembly commands. I am been searching online but no luck.

Any advice? Or information about where I can find a chart, list, or document about ARM Assembly HEX opcodes?



  • Have you tried putting on the listing option on the assembler to output the code in a readable form? Or tried a utility like objdump to look at the object file produced by the assembler or linker. I don't know what manual for ARMv7 you found but the ARM® Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition is over 20 megabytes long and goes into everything in excruciating detail and you probably are better looking at some introductory text instead.

  • Have you tried putting on the listing option on the assembler to output the code in a readable form? Or tried a utility like objdump to look at the object file produced by the assembler or linker. I don't know what manual for ARMv7 you found but the ARM® Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition is over 20 megabytes long and goes into everything in excruciating detail and you probably are better looking at some introductory text instead.

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