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how cortex m4 processor executing inst from a 'C' file

I am working on a arm based SoC, I have written a test case in 'C' language, I want to understand how this C code -> object file is loaded in core memory and executing the inst ?

  • That's a very wide question. Starting from the basics where have you got to-

    Have you written and run C programs on a PC?

    Have you used a development board before?

    Have you only very limited resources for tools or training?

    Have you got a development board using a Cortex-M4 (with floating point if required), if so what is iit?

    Does the supplier provide some development tools?

  • That's a very wide question. Starting from the basics where have you got to-

    Have you written and run C programs on a PC?

    Have you used a development board before?

    Have you only very limited resources for tools or training?

    Have you got a development board using a Cortex-M4 (with floating point if required), if so what is iit?

    Does the supplier provide some development tools?
