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Loss of information - SMMUL

Why the Cortex M4 instruction SMMUL (32 = 32 x 32b) preserves a redundant sign bit and discards one useful bit of information? What could possibly be the justification for such blatant disregard of the ISO/IEC TR 18037 standard Fract format?

  • On my side, I think that ARM intended to define instructions that can be used by C compilers.

    Regarding multiply, ANSI C states that

    The result of the binary * operator is the product of the operands.

    Therefore in order to have following C code generate efficient code, you have to define SMULL and SMMUL as they are today !

    int64_t result64 = (int64_t)(int32_t)operand1 * (int64_t)(int32_t)operand2; // Translates to SMULL r0,r1,r1,r0
    int32_t result32 = (int32_t)(((int64_t)(int32_t)operand3 * (int64_t)(int32_t)operand4) >> 32); // Translates to SMMUL r0,r2,r3

    Also, in order to have a symmetrical error introduced by SMMUL truncation, you can use its alternative SMMULR which performs rounding before extracting those 32 Most Significant


  • On my side, I think that ARM intended to define instructions that can be used by C compilers.

    Regarding multiply, ANSI C states that

    The result of the binary * operator is the product of the operands.

    Therefore in order to have following C code generate efficient code, you have to define SMULL and SMMUL as they are today !

    int64_t result64 = (int64_t)(int32_t)operand1 * (int64_t)(int32_t)operand2; // Translates to SMULL r0,r1,r1,r0
    int32_t result32 = (int32_t)(((int64_t)(int32_t)operand3 * (int64_t)(int32_t)operand4) >> 32); // Translates to SMMUL r0,r2,r3

    Also, in order to have a symmetrical error introduced by SMMUL truncation, you can use its alternative SMMULR which performs rounding before extracting those 32 Most Significant

