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How to get absolute value of a 32-bit signed integer as fast as possible?


I wonder how to calculate absolute value of a 32-bit signed integer in C as fast as possible. I saw that there is a FPU instruction VABS.F32, which do that in one cycle (above the floats). I thought, if it is possible to use it also with integers (sign bit is in both cases MSB bit). Maybe in some way with inline or embedded assembly?

Or do you have any other advice how to get absolute value of an integer in C in the fastest way.

Not to forget - I am speaking regarding Cortex-M4 processor.


  • Before you create any of the above codes, you may want first to discover what is available from your C compiler package. For example examine the assembly language instructions for abs(), AbsVal(), etc. to avoid unnecessary duplication.

  • Before you create any of the above codes, you may want first to discover what is available from your C compiler package. For example examine the assembly language instructions for abs(), AbsVal(), etc. to avoid unnecessary duplication.
