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migration from ARM to AVR

I would like to know if there is any tool for migrating from ARM mcu's to Atmel? can any one help me on this topic?

  • Hi Norman,

    If the design that you would like to migrate is utilizing the full capabilities of the ARM MCU that you used, you can hardly achieve your goal at present.

    With 8-bit AVR, here are the hindrances

    • you will be switching from 32-bit to 8-bit (16-bit arithmetic supported) architecture
    • your previous ARM MCU runs at 168 MHz, you only have up to 32 MHz for 8-bit AVR
    • the size of the Flash memory will be reduced from 2 MB to 384 KB
    • Currently, I am not aware of 8-bit AVR with RAM close to 256 KB.
    • ARM Cortex-M4F MCUs have hardware support for DSP and floating-point arithmetic.

    The 32-bit AVR UC3 microcontrollers have support for DSP and the C-Series include an integrated FPU but the fastest devices run only up to 66 MHz and the largest Flash memory is only 512KB.

    Christopher Seidl wrote:

    Edit: I just saw that you are looking for a migration guide to Atmel - I don't think that you will find that here

    It is common for companies to produce a guide for migration to their products. What you want to do is the opposite, to migrate from ARM to other architecture. Logically and understandably ARM will not create a document for a purpose that is unfavorable to them. Nevertheless, the responses that you obtained from this forum, though not official, are valuable and provide you the guidance that you seek.



  • Hi Norman,

    If the design that you would like to migrate is utilizing the full capabilities of the ARM MCU that you used, you can hardly achieve your goal at present.

    With 8-bit AVR, here are the hindrances

    • you will be switching from 32-bit to 8-bit (16-bit arithmetic supported) architecture
    • your previous ARM MCU runs at 168 MHz, you only have up to 32 MHz for 8-bit AVR
    • the size of the Flash memory will be reduced from 2 MB to 384 KB
    • Currently, I am not aware of 8-bit AVR with RAM close to 256 KB.
    • ARM Cortex-M4F MCUs have hardware support for DSP and floating-point arithmetic.

    The 32-bit AVR UC3 microcontrollers have support for DSP and the C-Series include an integrated FPU but the fastest devices run only up to 66 MHz and the largest Flash memory is only 512KB.

    Christopher Seidl wrote:

    Edit: I just saw that you are looking for a migration guide to Atmel - I don't think that you will find that here

    It is common for companies to produce a guide for migration to their products. What you want to do is the opposite, to migrate from ARM to other architecture. Logically and understandably ARM will not create a document for a purpose that is unfavorable to them. Nevertheless, the responses that you obtained from this forum, though not official, are valuable and provide you the guidance that you seek.


