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Cortex-M3: Are "Errata Notice" and "Software developers Errata Notice" the same?

Im wondering if these documents are different types:

1. Errat Notice, PR141-PRDC-007452, v9.0, 2008

2. Software developers Errata Notice, ARM-EPM-039114, v2.0, 2014

From my point of view, these documents are the "same" (of course in another revision).

a) But why do the have a complete other doc-id?

b) And why is v9 from 2008 and v2 from 2014?

Are these documents finally not comparable?

  • Hi,

    These documents are not the same.

    The Errata Notice (PR141-PRDC-00745) is a complete list of all known errata in the core IP supplied by ARM. Many of these are only relevant to SoC designers and have no relevance for software engineers. If you are a software developer, you do not need to read this document!

    The Software Developers Errata Notice is a complete list of all errata which have relevant for software developers. As you can see, this list is much smaller than the above list. For the majority of developers, this document is also irrelevant as compiler writers will have modified their code generation tools to take account of any of them as necessary. If you are writing assembly code, then some of them may be relevant to you and you should check that you are not doing anything which might trigger one of them.

    The good news is that you will see almost all of them, in both documents, have been fixed in the latest version of the core.

    Hope this helps.
