Hello everyone.
I’m trying to add additional interrupt vectors on the 8051 CPU.
The black texts are original interrupt vectors.
The red texts are the additional interrupt vectors that I want to add.
On the hardware side (VHDL), I can add these interrupts on the state machine but on the software side (Keil),
I don't know how to add these interrupt vectors to the debugger for simulation.
I guess I have to edit or create the device database on Keil.
In the device database of the 8051 CPUs (Keil), I saw a MON variable and a SIM variable.
I've tried to open S8051.DLL, TP51.DLL, and DP51.DLL with a resource hacker program, but I didn't see what is associated with interrupt vectors.
Is there possible I added interrupt vectors on the debugger for simulation?
Hi there, I have moved your question to the Architectures and Processors forum. Many thanks.