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if func has $sub$func, what is the function pointer of func with armcc v5.01 for cortex-r5?

extern void $Super$$func0(void);

void $Sub$$func0(void)


sts = ftl_codebank_loadoverlay(_);



void func0(void)

{ int a=0; a++; }

extern void $Super$$func1(void);

void $Sub$$func1(void)


sts = ftl_codebank_loadoverlay(_);



void func1(void)


int b=0; b++;


void nextfunc()


Next_Task.func = func0;

Next_Task1.func = func1;


I use armcc --cortex-r5 --asm to compile the file , find the function which uses function pointer is thumb instruction, with assembly code of [Next_Task.func = func0] ,this will assign the pointer of func0,not $Sub$func0;

    ADR   r0,func0+ 1

    LDR   r1,|L5.12064|

    STR   r0,[r1,#0] ; Next_Task


another func1 with $Sub$$, also thumb instruction, with assembly code as follows ,but this pointer is $Sub$func1

MOVS   r0,#2

    LDR   r1,|L5.13192|

    STRB   r0,[r1,#0]

    LDR   r0,|L5.13196|

    LDR   r1,|L5.13200|

    STR   r0,[r1,#0] ; Next_Task1


for func0 ,if i add #pragam arm at the function which uses function pointer with assembly code as follows ,this will be $Sub$func0;

    LDR   r0,|L6.380|

    STR   r0,[r1,#0] ; Next_Task

I did a test while all func in a file

if nextfunc() add #pragam arm ,with func0 #pragam thumb, the pointer of func0 in nextfunc will be $Sub$func0;

if nextfunc() add #pragam arm ,with func0 #pragam arm, the pointer of func0 in nextfunc will be func0;

if nextfunc() add #pragam thumb ,with func0 #pragam arm, the pointer of func0 in nextfunc will be $Sub$func0;

if nextfunc() add #pragamthumb ,with func0 #pragam thumb, the pointer of func0 in nextfunc will be func0

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