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AXI4 narrower transactions for AWADDR


Below is the connection.

My IP based on AXI-4 lite <-> 64bit -> Interconnect <-AXI4->  64bit ARM A53

Upper 32bit data (ex addr: 0x1004) got cleared once I write lower 32bit data (ex addr: 0x1000) from ARM core to my IP registers and vice versa.

64bit  (ex addr: 0x1000-0x1007) write and read seems to be working. So just looking into signals and need some insights.

Now my question is that when I perform narrower transactions on AXI4 from ARM to my IP through aforementioned connection how should be AWADDR & WSTRB signals for address 0x1004 upper 32bit txn ?

i) AWADDR = 0x1004 & WSTRB = 0xF0 ??

ii) AWADDR = 0x1000 & WSTRB = 0xF0 ??

I should set AWADDR as 0x1000 or 0x1004 in this case as per spec & standards ? because my IP expects 64bit boundary address, may be thats why lower 32bit data cleared when I write upper 32bit !?

PS: 0x1000 is 64bit boundary IP reg based on AXI-4 lite