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PGA970 with ARM Cortex M0 - Interrupts not working

I'm using a PGA970 with a ARM Cortex M0 and I'm struggling with the basic function of its SysTick interrupt. My current state is this:

void main(void) {  
  __set_PRIMASK(0);                     //Enables Interrupts
  SYST_Config(0x0000004F,0x00000007);   //configures Reload value + enables counting
  while(1) {}                             //stay in main and wait for Interrupt

with this definition:

void Interrupt_Config(void)
   /* Clear interrupt pending register */

   /* Set priority of NVIC interrupt */
   NVIC_PRI0 = 0x80400000;
   NVIC_PRI1 = 0xC0C0C0C0;

    * Enable NVIC interrupts
    * NVIC interrupt for external interrupt 1 i.e. TADC is disabled

According to Ti priority of SysTick is set to -1 with the highest priority being -3 (used by fault handlers). Custom interrupts start with the priority of 1.

SysTick M0 System Timer SysTick Registers:

  • SYST_CSR 0x00000007 SysTick Control and Status Register [Memory Mapped]
  • SYST_RVR 0x0000004F SysTick Reload Value Register [Memory Mapped]
  • SYST_CVR 0x00000000 SysTick Current Value Register [Memory Mapped]

These are my SysTick registers. The CSR register is enabled by setting the value of 7. When the Current Value Register hits 0 it gets reset to the Reload Value which is defined in the RVR. When this reload happens the Countflag-Bit in the CSR is set to 1. Everything of this is working as described in my case.

After the Countflag-Bit is set, an interrupt should be triggered executing the Syst_Handler as shown below. Since I'm using it as a basic counter for now I can confirm that it never gets called.

int SYSTcounter=0;
interrupt void SYST_Handler(void) {  

Now to the weird part. The NVIC_INT_CTRL register was renamed by Ti and represents the ISCR of ARM. After executing the Code and waiting for the Countflag it has a Value of 0x67108867. The SysTick exception has a value of 15 --> 1111 which can be seen in VECACTIVE in the picture below. BUT the VECPENDING remains empty same for ISRPENDING. ISCR values and explanation of Bits

As far as my understanding goes something most probably some stupid setting I forgot prevents my Systick from being executed although it realises that it should be executed. My interrupts in general are working as an unexpected power loss triggers the FaultHandler on the next startup as desired.

Aditionnaly this is my vector table on which you can see SYST_Handler goes by exception number 15. So far I didn't manage to get any Interrupt going, except for the IntDefaultHandler which states that it gets excecuted whenever the processor recieves an unexpected interrupt. I did that by cutting the power supply off and immediatly reconnecting it. All of them should be enabled and working since interrupts in general should be enabled for IntDefaultHandler to work.

#pragma DATA_SECTION(g_pfnVectors, ".intvecs")
void (* const g_pfnVectors[])(void) =
   (void (*)(void))((unsigned long)&__STACK_TOP),
                                            // The initial stack pointer
   ResetISR,                                // The reset handler
   NmiSR,                                   // The NMI handler
   FaultISR,                                // The hard fault handler
   IntDefaultHandler,                       // The MPU fault handler
   IntDefaultHandler,                       // The bus fault handler
   IntDefaultHandler,                       // The usage fault handler
   0,                                       // Reserved
   0,                                       // Reserved
   0,                                       // Reserved
   0,                                       // Reserved
   IntDefaultHandler,                       // SVCall handler
   IntDefaultHandler,                       // Debug monitor handler
   0,                                       // Reserved
   IntDefaultHandler,                       // The PendSV handler
#if (SYST_TESTING == 1)
   SYST_Handler,                           // The M0 System timer handler
   IntDefaultHandler,                      // The M0 System timer handler
   ADC_Handler,  // ADC handler
#if(OWI_TESTING == 1) //
   OWI_Activation_Handler, // OWI_Activation_Handler, OWI Activation handler
   COMBUF_Handler,                          // COMBUF RX handler
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //
   IntDefaultHandler,                       //

Anybody got any Ideas?

  • Since v6m allows "up to 32" external interrupts, and sysTick is not "external", it follows that the "enable" isn't going to fit in the same 32bit NVIC_ENABLE0 register with the other enable bits.

    Indeed, section B.3.2.10 of the ARM says that the "system Handler priority" for sysTick and PendSV are off in SCR->SHPR3  (I don't know what TI calls it, since they seem to have ignored CMSIS Core...)

    The ARM CMSIS core_cm0.h file has a definition for NVIC_SetPriority() that special-cases the system interrupts:

    __STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority)
      if ((int32_t)(IRQn) < 0)
        SCB->SHP[_SHP_IDX(IRQn)] = ((uint32_t)(SCB->SHP[_SHP_IDX(IRQn)] & ~(0xFFUL << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn))) |
           (((priority << (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & (uint32_t)0xFFUL) << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn)));
        NVIC->IP[_IP_IDX(IRQn)]  = ((uint32_t)(NVIC->IP[_IP_IDX(IRQn)]  & ~(0xFFUL << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn))) |
           (((priority << (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & (uint32_t)0xFFUL) << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn)));

  • Since v6m allows "up to 32" external interrupts, and sysTick is not "external", it follows that the "enable" isn't going to fit in the same 32bit NVIC_ENABLE0 register with the other enable bits.

    Indeed, section B.3.2.10 of the ARM says that the "system Handler priority" for sysTick and PendSV are off in SCR->SHPR3  (I don't know what TI calls it, since they seem to have ignored CMSIS Core...)

    The ARM CMSIS core_cm0.h file has a definition for NVIC_SetPriority() that special-cases the system interrupts:

    __STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority)
      if ((int32_t)(IRQn) < 0)
        SCB->SHP[_SHP_IDX(IRQn)] = ((uint32_t)(SCB->SHP[_SHP_IDX(IRQn)] & ~(0xFFUL << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn))) |
           (((priority << (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & (uint32_t)0xFFUL) << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn)));
        NVIC->IP[_IP_IDX(IRQn)]  = ((uint32_t)(NVIC->IP[_IP_IDX(IRQn)]  & ~(0xFFUL << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn))) |
           (((priority << (8U - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & (uint32_t)0xFFUL) << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn)));
