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Inexplicable synchronous exceptions from EL0

I'm creating a simple kernel for educational purposes. I managed to enable memory mapping and currently have the kernel in high memory, whereas the low memory is mapped to an user program loaded from an ELF file.

All goes well until I try to execute loaded instructions.

I replace the mapping in TTBR0, do some bariers and TLBI invalidations, setup ELR and SPSR, and then ERET-urn to EL0 @ address 0x0.
Then, for seemingly no reason whatsoever, CPU raises a synchronous exception, with ESR = 0x2000000 (Unknown reason, IL=1), on an STR instruction @ 0x40. It does this consistently.
IIRC by changing some instructions around cache invalidation / bariers right before the ERET to EL0, I could make it consistently fire the same exception on something like 0x340, on an LDR, but I'm not sure if I remember the chain of events correctly.

Edit: if I disable the instruction cache, the exception happens right after ERET, at address 0x0. In that case FAR_EL1 is set to a really weird value of 0xffff_ffff_ffff_fffc.

In each case the address used in the instruction operand is valid, as evidenced by store & load instructions that happen right before, and by the output from JTAG.

(gdb) p $pc
$1 = (*mut fn ()) 0x40
(gdb) p $sp
$2 = (*mut ()) 0x10000f90

Here's the part of the code that is running up until the exception, taken from memory via JTAG. Note the STP at 0x18, which uses even higher stack address than the STR at 0x40. This leads me to believe that the mapping & accessibility of these addresses is set correctly.

(gdb) x/17i 0x0
   0x0:         str     x30, [sp, #-16]!
   0x4:         bl      0x14
   0x8:         mov     x0, xzr
   0xc:         bl      0x1a4
   0x10:        brk     #0x1
   0x14:        sub     sp, sp, #0x50
   0x18:        stp     xzr, x30, [sp, #56]
   0x1c:        add     x8, sp, #0x48
   0x20:        str     x8, [sp, #8]
   0x24:        adrp    x8, 0x0
   0x28:        add     x8, x8, #0x5b0
   0x2c:        mov     w9, #0x1            
   0x30:        stp     x8, x9, [sp, #16]
   0x34:        adrp    x8, 0x0
   0x38:        add     x8, x8, #0x5c0
   0x3c:        stp     xzr, xzr, [sp, #32]
   0x40:        str     x8, [sp, #48]

The SPSR_EL1 I'm setting before the ERET to EL0 is 0x1c0, i.e. 0b11100000.

What is wrong here? Could this be due to bad cache maintenance? Is my assumption about the address in SP being correct wrong?

Any clues or hints as to which steps to take in order to narrow it down would be greatly appreciated.

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