Because we have a M3 based chip, we are still working on it to safe time before we get the right chip in...
So, we are working on a chip with the M3 cortex, but it seems it will be eventually deployed on the M4, indeed, different chip... on M3 only the basic app will be provided...
But, eventually we wish to transfer the basic app to the M4 cortex and continues working over on a new chip, so, ow hard it will be to recompile and change the code to run on the M4?
Unless you do not rely on SoC specific stuff, the M3 code would run w/o new compiliation on the M4.
Recompile should be painless.
Indeed, so far, we are not going into the details... exactly due to the specifics of the chip... so, will try to bring up the basic comm like mosi, miso and mostly two gpios , of course those pins will be checked in the code either way!
Thank you for your reply, input very appreciated!