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Debug Armv8-A alternative in ARM DS

Until last year I have been developing small ARM projects (for educational purposes) compiled using the linaro tool chain (GCC 7.5.0 [aarch64-elf])  and debugging in the DS-5 using the

"Arm Model > Armv8-Ax1 Foundation Platform > Bare Metal Debug > Debug Armv8-A" debugger.

I am now using ARM DS (gold edition), with the same code samples (using the same toolchain for compilation) but I cannot debug with the FVP that come installed on ARM DS. When I try to use FVP for Cortex-A53 for example, I get the error: 

"Error: FVP_Base_Cotex_A53x1: This image is attempting to run from DRAM, which is access controlled by the TZC-400. Try running firmware beforehand or use parameter bp.secure_memory=false" 

And even if I use the "bp.secure_memory=false" option, I can't debug getting the warning:

"ARM Core Model: WARNING - Simulation code-translation cache failed to gain DMI for PC=0x8000172c (PA = s_-8000172c). Simulation performance will be reduced."

Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong?

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