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α version of second pass DCT for MP3 decoder on M0/M0+ & THAT Multiply issue

I thought it may interest people to see how quite small pieces of C can generate some rather unnerving workings when converting into the Thumb instruction set. As always, i still desperately in need of a faster method to find the top 32 bits of a 32-bit x32-bit --->64 bit multiply. Bastian Schick currently holds the record having a piece of in-line code that takes just 17 cycles. The keen watcher will know that Bastian optimised the D32PF by unrolling and applying some great code. So here is the C;

void FDCT32(int *buf, int *dest, int offset, int oddBlock, int gb)
int i, s, tmp, es;
const int *cptr = dcttab;
int a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7;
int b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7;
int *d;

/* first pass */
D32FP(0, 1, 5, 1);
D32FP(1, 1, 3, 1);
D32FP(2, 1, 3, 1);
D32FP(3, 1, 2, 1);
D32FP(4, 1, 2, 1);
D32FP(5, 1, 1, 2);
D32FP(6, 1, 1, 2);
D32FP(7, 1, 1, 4);

/* second pass */
for (i = 4; i > 0; i--) {
a0 = buf[0]; a7 = buf[7]; a3 = buf[3]; a4 = buf[4];
b0 = a0 + a7; b7 = MULSHIFT32(*cptr++, a0 - a7) << 1;
b3 = a3 + a4; b4 = MULSHIFT32(*cptr++, a3 - a4) << 3;
a0 = b0 + b3; a3 = MULSHIFT32(*cptr, b0 - b3) << 1;
a4 = b4 + b7; a7 = MULSHIFT32(*cptr++, b7 - b4) << 1;

a1 = buf[1]; a6 = buf[6]; a2 = buf[2]; a5 = buf[5];
b1 = a1 + a6; b6 = MULSHIFT32(*cptr++, a1 - a6) << 1;
b2 = a2 + a5; b5 = MULSHIFT32(*cptr++, a2 - a5) << 1;
a1 = b1 + b2; a2 = MULSHIFT32(*cptr, b1 - b2) << 2;
a5 = b5 + b6; a6 = MULSHIFT32(*cptr++, b6 - b5) << 2;

b0 = a0 + a1; b1 = MULSHIFT32(COS4_0, a0 - a1) << 1;
b2 = a2 + a3; b3 = MULSHIFT32(COS4_0, a3 - a2) << 1;
buf[0] = b0; buf[1] = b1;
buf[2] = b2 + b3; buf[3] = b3;

b4 = a4 + a5; b5 = MULSHIFT32(COS4_0, a4 - a5) << 1;
b6 = a6 + a7; b7 = MULSHIFT32(COS4_0, a7 - a6) << 1;
b6 += b7;
buf[4] = b4 + b6; buf[5] = b5 + b7;
buf[6] = b5 + b6; buf[7] = b7;

buf += 8;
buf -= 32; /* reset */

And for comparison, my α version of the same logical steps. You will note that the MULSHIFT32 macro is frequent and takes 17 cycles.

;Second pass of DCT

ldr r0,[r7,#0]
ldr r1,[r7,#7]
add r5,r0,r1 ;b0
sub r0,r1

pop r1


lsls r0,r0,#1
mov r8,r0 ;b7

;store b0=r5 & b7=r8

ldr r0,[r7,#3]
ldr r1,[r7,#4]
add r6,r0,r1 ;b3
sub r0,r1
pop r1


lsls r0,r0,#3
mov r9,r0 ;b4

;store b0=r5,b3=r6,b4=r9,b7=r8

sub r0,r5,r6
add r5,r5,r6 ;a0 = r5

ldr r1,[sp,#0]


lsls r0,r0,#1
mov r10,r0 ;a3

;store a0=r5,a3=r10,b4=r9,b7=r8

mov r0,r8
mov r1,r9
add r6,r0,r1 ;a4

sub r0,r1
pop r1


lsls r0,r0,#1
mov r8,r0 ;a7

;store a0=r5,a3=r10,a4=r6,a7=r8

ldr r0,[r7,#1]
ldr r1,[r7,#6]
add r2,r0,r1
mov r9,r2 ;b1

sub r0,r1
pop r1


lsls r0,r0,#1
mov r10,r0 ;b6

;store a0=r5,a3=r10,a4=r6,a7=r8,b1=r9,b6=r11

ldr r0,[r7,#2]
ldr r1,[r7,#5]
add r2,r0,r1
mov r14,r2 ;b2

sub r0,r1
pop r1


lsls r0,r0,#1
mov r12,r0 ;b5

;store a0=r5,a3=r10,a4=r6,a7=r8,b1=r9,b2=r11,b5=r12,b6=r14

mov r2,r9
mov r3,r11
add r9,r2 ;a1

sub r0,r2,r3

ldr r1,[sp,#0]


lsls r0,r0,#2

mov r11,r0 ;a2

;store a0=r5,a1=r9,a2=r11,a3=r10,a4=r6,a7=r8,b5=r12,b6=r14

mov r2,r12
add r2,r14

add r5,r2,r6 ;a1

sub r0,r2,r6

pop r1


lsls r0,r0,#2
mov r6,r0 ;a2

;store a0=r5,a1=r9,a2=r6,a3=r10,a4=r6,a7=r8,b5=r12,b6=r14

mov r1,r9 ;get a1
add r0,r5,r1 ;a0 + a1
str [buf,#0],r0

sub r0,r5,r1 ;a0 - a1

ldr r1,#COS4_0 ;copy for later use,
mov r14,1 ;


lsls r0,r0,#1
str [buf,#1],r0


mov r0,r10 ;get a3
add r0,r6 ;a3 + a2
mov r5,r0 ;store b0
str [buf,#2],r0

mov r0,r10 ;get a3
sub r0,r0,r5 ;a3 - a2

ldr r1,#COS4_0


lsls r0,r0,#1
str [buf,#2],r0
add r0,r6
str [buf,#3],r0


add r0,r5,r6
mov r9,r0 ;b4

sub r0,r6,r7 ;a4 - a5
mov r1,r14


lsls r5,r0,#1 ;b5

mov r0,r7
add r0,r8 ;b6
mov r8,r0

sub r0,r7

mov r1,r14


lsls r6,r0,#1 ;b7


str [buf,#7],r6 ;store b7

mov r0,r9
add r0,r8

str [buf,#4],r0 ;store b4

add r0,r5,r6 ;b5 + b7

str [buf,#5],r0 ;store b5

add r5,r8

str [buf,#6],r5 ;store b6

To be clear, this isn't perfect working code but rather a 'sketch' to roughly work out how many cycles the DCT takes in an MP3 decoder. I haven't calculated the exact number of cycles but it IS impossible to use a conditional branch back to the top of the loop. The code branches around an unconditional loop. Now I haven't dealt with the loops but with good reason, since I use the stack-pointer as a general purpose register, the plan is to find the base-address of RAM (0x20000000 on the board I have) so that the address can be generated in 3 instructions.

The code is mind-bending. I did alter the order of the C slightly so that no more than 8 variables have to be stored in registers at any given time. The reason for that is simple:

r0-r4 - Used by MULSHIFT32 but can be used between usages of the macro.
r5-r6 - lo-register accumulators/storage of variables
r7 - pointer to the source address of the data
r8 - r13 storage for variables
r14 - pointer to DCT workspace

As a good rule of thumb (ha ha), MANY pieces of code that are developed by academics presume a RISC processor with 16 x 32-bit registers, one of which is the stack-pointer. Well, ARM/Thumb has SP,LR & IP making the person converting to a generic RISC processor needs to use SP & LR. There IS a trick involved so that even if an exception/interrupt takes place, nothing is corrupted.

But if anyone out there has a short-cut to finding the top 32-bits of a 64-bit multiply result, please let me know...


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