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Processor always jumps to default exception handler

Good day,

My code for configuring the NVIC and peripheral interrupts are already working as expected, but the only problem now is the debugger shows that the processor always jumps to the default handler (__default_handler) and never on my defined interrupt handler whenever I trigger the interrupt source. 

I already added the specific interrupt vector in the vector table from the file vector_table_M.s and included it in my project. Am I missing something else?

Hardware: Tiva C Launchpad from TI

IDE: IAR Embedded Workbench

Thanks for any help,


  • Have you confirmed that your custom vector table is where it's supposed to be, and contains your modified vectors?  (via inspection and/or disassembly of the binary)
    Usually (?) C programs will include a standard vector table via crtxxx, which expect all of the ISRs to have specific pre-defined names.  "Weak" symbols defaulting to the __default_handler() function, so if you don't create a function with exactly the right name, that's where interrupts will go.

    (I can't speak for IAR specifically.)

  • Have you confirmed that your custom vector table is where it's supposed to be, and contains your modified vectors?  (via inspection and/or disassembly of the binary)
    Usually (?) C programs will include a standard vector table via crtxxx, which expect all of the ISRs to have specific pre-defined names.  "Weak" symbols defaulting to the __default_handler() function, so if you don't create a function with exactly the right name, that's where interrupts will go.

    (I can't speak for IAR specifically.)
