AArch32 architecture uses maximum Physical address of 40bits. When we run a code usually we will get virtual address right.
How to find the physical address for this virtual address?
It would be helpful for me to check whether an array is falling in which memory region.
See: https://developer.arm.com/docs/ddi0406/latest
=> B3.14 Virtual Address to Physical Address translation operations
Thanks for the link. I will refer it.
Meanwhile, is there any inbuilt kernal function to support this feature in ARM?
Which kernel? Windows? BSD? Mach? VMS? Hurd?
I have seen that virt_to_phys function will return the physical address for the given virtual space at kernel space.
They are also saying that this function will be used only for virtual address generated at kernel level.
Refer the link : https://docs.huihoo.com/doxygen/linux/kernel/3.7/arch_2arm_2include_2asm_2memory_8h_source.html
Likewise if there is any function to get the physical address from the user space in Ubuntu?
If we do manually, we must need page table and its size information right. I have also seen that L1 and L2 address mapping also there in A72.
Please give me some information about this.