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multi os arm cortex

i am working automotive domain,so we want to desingn multi os board for our project.can we use mulitple os in ARM cortex processor like (linux,windos,android ) ?
which one is better cortex version for multi os?

  • Sure, you can run multiple different OS. But the setup of them is difficult. Or you go for a Hypervisor and run each OS in a separate domain. See for example PikeOS.

    If you want to run an RTOS + Linux, my company offers also a solution.

    W/o hypervisor, the separation will become a night-mare.

  • Sure, you can run multiple different OS. But the setup of them is difficult. Or you go for a Hypervisor and run each OS in a separate domain. See for example PikeOS.

    If you want to run an RTOS + Linux, my company offers also a solution.

    W/o hypervisor, the separation will become a night-mare.

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