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I got a error when i build my file in RTRT - I am using LPC2148. Error: L6411W: No compatible library exists with a definition of startup symbol __main.

Please tell me the answer for my error

  • The tools ship with several different copies of the standard libraries.  With the linker selecting the appropriate copy based on the linker flags and various object properties.

    This message means for the combination of flags/objects you used it couldn't find a compatible of the libraries.  Typically this is due to a mistake (e.g. building with an invalid combination of options).

    Can you check your linker options and how you are building the objects?

  • The tools ship with several different copies of the standard libraries.  With the linker selecting the appropriate copy based on the linker flags and various object properties.

    This message means for the combination of flags/objects you used it couldn't find a compatible of the libraries.  Typically this is due to a mistake (e.g. building with an invalid combination of options).

    Can you check your linker options and how you are building the objects?

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