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Question : The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3

Note: This was originally posted on 11th December 2007 at

Dear, all.

I am new in this forum.
Recently I studying Cortex-M3 core, so I bought book "The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3" by Joseph Yiu.
This book is very good book and this explains most of unaswered questions by TRM or AALRM.

As I found some mistake in this book, I would like to feedback, but I could not find publisher's homepage. Then I found Josephe's name in this forum, I would like to ask here.

In page 42, there is fig 3.11 and 3.12 but this contents is same as fig 3.8 and 3.9.
Fig 3.8 and 3.9 should be some program list.

Can I get correct figure? Or where I should contact?
Please advise.

  • Note: This was originally posted on 11th April 2010 at


    Thanks for your detailed & thoughtful reply.  I'm still more of a "paper book" kind of guy (my first ed. of your book is marked up w/ highlighter and notes!) but the Kindle versions are a lot more portable.  Plus, the ability to search for a specific word is very appealing...  As an aside, you'd probably be happy to hear that most of the clients I work with who are using the CM3 have multiple copies of your book distributed around the cubes & labs, etc...

    Thanks very much for the explanation about the IF-THEN instruction, it makes a lot more sense to me now.  I'm always harping on people to write the most concise, least-error-prone code, and the instruction seemed to be a step backwards in both areas, but now I understand.

    Anyway, thanks again for your contributions and well-worded explanations!
  • Note: This was originally posted on 11th April 2010 at


    Thanks for your detailed & thoughtful reply.  I'm still more of a "paper book" kind of guy (my first ed. of your book is marked up w/ highlighter and notes!) but the Kindle versions are a lot more portable.  Plus, the ability to search for a specific word is very appealing...  As an aside, you'd probably be happy to hear that most of the clients I work with who are using the CM3 have multiple copies of your book distributed around the cubes & labs, etc...

    Thanks very much for the explanation about the IF-THEN instruction, it makes a lot more sense to me now.  I'm always harping on people to write the most concise, least-error-prone code, and the instruction seemed to be a step backwards in both areas, but now I understand.

    Anyway, thanks again for your contributions and well-worded explanations!
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