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When an exception is taken into account


Related to ARMv7-M architecture:

I am searching through all infocenter documents but still cannot find anything and answer this question: "When an exception is taken into account?" I mean, are exceptions only serviced after the current instruction in instruction flow, or exception can interrupt current instruction in execution? I have found that exception servicing is asynchronous, but what does that mean? I understand that exception can arrive at any time, but when it is started to be serviced, when exception entry starts with respect to program flow?

Also, memory access instructions can be abandoned and restated. So, does that mean that it is possible to interrupt these instructions? Does it have something in common with memory attributes (normal, device, strongly-ordered)? Are other than memory access instructions also possible to interrupt/get them restarted? Where it is written in reference manual? What indicates that for CPU to do? Reference manual seems to be incomplete from this question point of view or I cannot find what I need. Hope you guys can help me. Thank you in advance.

  • "are exceptions only serviced after the current instruction in instruction flow" - if I am not mistaken, if an exception is generated during execution of instruction (not interruptible-continuable instruction) processor finishes this instruction and then services interrupt.

  • "are exceptions only serviced after the current instruction in instruction flow" - if I am not mistaken, if an exception is generated during execution of instruction (not interruptible-continuable instruction) processor finishes this instruction and then services interrupt.
