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Given an address, how to check its IDAU Security attribution information?

From "ARM v8-M Architecture Reference Manual", about IDAU I see:

The IDAU can provide the following Security attribution information for an address:
• Security attribution exempt. This specifies that the address is exempt from security attribution. This information is combined with the address ranges that are architecturally required to be exempt from attribution.
• Non-secure. This specifies if the address is Secure or Non-secure.
• Non-secure callable. This specifies if code at the address can be called from Non-secure state. This attribute is only valid if the address is marked as Secure.
• Region number. This is the region number that matches the address, and is only used by the TT instruction.
• Region number valid. This specifies that the region number is valid. This field has no effect on the attribution of the address, and is only used by the TT instruction.

Given an address, how can I check its IDAU security attribution? Like any register value or API can be checked to see these attribution info? Thanks  

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