• RE: Why vulkan has much higher input primitives than OpenGL?

    What GPU are you running on, and with which driver version?

    Older OpenGL ES drivers had some optimizations to remove large spatial jumps in index buffers, but this has a high CPU cost and generally isn't possible on Vulkan due to the more literal approach…

  • a problem with texture2D on Mali gpu, opengl es 2.0

    there is a common 4 channel per byte texture, used as an offset map. Which means, r and b channel act as x-axis offset, g and a channel act as y-axis offset. so I need to convert a float [-1, 1] into two bytes, and restore it somewhere after.

    It works…

  • Multiple OpenGL ES contexts

    How are multiple OpenGL ES contexts handled? That is, for the same application. Does one have some kind of control over scheduling? Would it be efficient GPU wise to have some compute shader launched from one context while shadow map rendering is launched…

  • RE: Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Android with OpenGL ES 3.0

    Hi Normal,

    最新的Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Android是1.6版的,Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Android - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center


  • Mali OpenGL ES Instrumented Drivers?


         I want to optimize my app which is running on mali gpu. ARM offers some developer tools like mali debugger, DS-5 streamline, etc. A document(http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.dui0363d/DUI0363D_opengl_es_app_dev_guide…

  • I have a question about using mipmap in ASTC Texture Format (Opengl ES)

    Hi everyone.

    I am now in a situation where I need to use the ASTC Texture format in my Opengl ES 3.0 environment.

    However, I can not apply Mipmap to ASTC format.

    Sample Images (bmp, png) changed to ASTC Format using Mali Texture Compress tool.


  • Using glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES with OpenGL ES 3.0 Emulator


    I'm writing a multi-thread app that using OpenGL ES 3.0 Emulator libraries on Windows.

    Why am I seeing "FATAL - Emulator IEGLImage implementation does not support sharing EGLImages accross contexts that are not related to each other" on the stdout…

  • How to control fps in OpenGL application.


    I know that there are many ways to control the fps when implementing an OpenGL ES application.

    (ex. eglSwapInterval, sleep, polling, etc..)

    I'd like to know what is the common way, among other things.

    For example,

    what is the most optimized…

  • RE: Where are the OpenGL ES emulator tutorial examples?

    Hi samg,

    I'm sorry, but Mali OpenGL ES Emulator is no longer shipped with the examples. As mentioned by ross.hookway - please use Mali OpenGL ES SDK to find code examples.
    You can find information how to set up Visual Studio in this blog: Test-driving…