Arm & Cadence联合技术研讨会就在9月15日,上海! 来自Arm和Cadence的技术与产品专家将在此次研讨会上带来最新的Arm CPU、图像、IoT和汽车电子方面的创新,以及Cadence设计实现和验证的相关解决方案。此外,还有来自海思半导体的特邀主题演讲!座位有限,报名从速! Join Cadence and Arm for a technical seminar featuring the latest Arm CPU, graphics, IoT, and automotive innovations as well as Cadence tools for implementation and verification. Hear keynote presentations by Arm and a major local customer executive. Learn in detailed technical sessions ranging from high-performance implementation of next-generation Arm CPU and GPU products and system-level verification of Arm-based designs to ultra-low power implementation for battery-powered IoT devices and ISO 26262-compliant automotive design. This will be a great opportunity to network and learn about the latest Arm and Cadence technology from experts in each area.
Date: Sep 15th (Fri.), 2017 (9月15日,周五) Venue: Shanghai, Pudong, Zhangjiang Evergreen Hotel, 2nd Floor (上海张江长荣桂冠酒店 二楼桂冠1厅)
*Agenda is subject to change