I am using S32K14x controllers (Coretx-M4F). It has floating point math unit. I need to perform many mathematical operations as fast as possible. Which will be faster: fixed point q16 or fixed point q32 or single precision (32 bit) floating point?
Hi Pramod,
Further to Andy's excellent reply above, the CPU has a cycle count register you can use to easily compare code performancehttps://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0439/b/Data-Watchpoint-and-Trace-Unit/DWT-Programmers-Model(enabled by bit 0 o DWT_CTRL). Most development tools (such as Keil MDK) have this integrated into the environment.By mathematical operations do you mean low level operations (MAC etc) or higher level operations (FFT or similar). The CMSIS DSP library contains a number of optimized routines (with and without VFP) to further help you analyze.www.keil.com/.../index.html
Ronan Synnott said:By mathematical operations do you mean low level operations (MAC etc) or higher level operations (FFT or similar)
Low level operations, to start with. May evaluate higher math functions later (e.g. matrix multiplication)