Here's a list of unofficial patches required to compile the r16p0 version of the Mali Midgard GPU Kernel device drivers, after including them in 4.11.0-rcX kernels :
These patches are due to the following mainline kernel changes :
The patches required to enable the compilation of Mali Midgard GPU drivers and UMP drivers, after copying the drivers package TX011-SW-99002-r16p0-00rel0/driver/product/kernel/ content in your linux kernel base directory, are available here .
A full kernel download, patch and compilation procedure for MiQi RK3288 ARMv7 boards is available here : .The procedure includes the download of the Linux 4.11-rc1 kernel and the Mali r16p0-00rel0 kernel drivers.
The last patch, only useful for Linux 4.11 kernels, is also attached to this post.