I have followed some tutorials on the internet and found one in particular quite interesting and didactic for those just starting to program ARM Bare metal. The Blog é Freedom Embedded | Balau's technical blog on open hardware, free software and security.
Below is a summary of needed to succeed in building a Hello World commands, let noted here that in the near future I may supplement this information and synthesize into a more detailed tutorial.
Based on the link: Hello world for bare metal ARM using QEMU | Freedom Embedded
Compile the code with the following commands:
$ arm-none-eabi-as -mcpu=ARM926EJ-s -g startup.s -o startup.o $ arm-none-eabi-gcc-c -mcpu=ARM926EJ-S test.c -g -o test.o $ arm-none-eabi-ld-T test.ld test.o startup.o -o test.elf $ arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary test.elf test.bin
And execute with the following command:
qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 128M -s -nographic S -kernel test.bin
Debug with GDB, with the following comand:
Where you get the prompt from GDB, type:
target remote localhost: 1234 file test.elf
when finished working with qemu if you have problems with the terminal, use the command:
stty sane
to fix it.
Thank you daith.
I used the translator, why do not command written in English, just reading. He interfered with the links and commands.
Thanks for the correction.