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GPU Fast-Models Simulate Memory Accesses

Hi, I am trying to run Linux OpenCL applications within a fast-models simulation, targeting a Mali GPU. No errors occur when I run the applications, however, nothing is written to memory by the GPU. The current GPU fast-models available appear to only provide a register interface and simulate interrupts. I am wondering if it is possible to have the models also simulate memory accesses to DRAM, whether or not the model actually performs final reads/writes to DRAM?. I noticed all the GPU models except for G710 use a shared library similar to Is it possible to extend this shared library software to additionally simulate memory accesses? The library contains the following function pointers that are not currently being used (specified in nomali.h):

void (*memwrite)(nomali_handle_t h, void *usr,
                 nomali_addr_t addr, uint32_t value);
uint32_t (*memread)(nomali_handle_t h, void *usr,
                    nomali_addr_t addr);

As a second option, would using Generic Graphics Acceleration (GGA) provide this simulation functionality?

