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Can the Mali 760 handle OpenGLES3.2?

I just received an Asus Tinkerboard which has an Mali 764 on it, I was very excited to see it included libs for OpenGLES3.1. But I have seen on some reports that the 760 series can handle OpenGLES3.2 is that correct and if so, where could I locate drivers to use it on my Tinkerboard?

  • Thanks Pete
    I guess I will have to wait till Asus provide a version of Debian where the GPU is actually supported, at the moment it seems to be emulated and very slow. I don't really have any interest in building new versions of the OS so i will just lobby Asus to get their act together and give the board the graphic power it deserves.
  • Thanks Pete
    I guess I will have to wait till Asus provide a version of Debian where the GPU is actually supported, at the moment it seems to be emulated and very slow. I don't really have any interest in building new versions of the OS so i will just lobby Asus to get their act together and give the board the graphic power it deserves.
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