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Maximum texture size on Arm Mali 400MP

I see that Arm mali supports 4K textures & i have verified this using below calls

GLint maxGPUTextureSize;

glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxGPUTextureSize);

My question is : In my GL application ,I have an textures which are of size more than 4K & it does get uploaded without any warnings or errors from driver.

What could be the suspected performance impact here, I have an mip-mapping enabled in my code.

Could the performance impact be only be at startup Or it could also impact run-time performance too.

  • Hi Luc, 

    At resolutions that low you won't have a problem; the problems come when you are at the upper range of what an FP16 variable can store when using "mediump" texture coordinates.  

    FP16 can store 10 fractional bits, so gives you sampling accuracy in the 0-1 UV range of 1 part in 1024. If you have a texture that is e.g. 2048 texels wide you'll lack enough precision to address it accurately. This problem gets worse if you start UV wrapping - e.g. if you repeat a texture twice then you would run out of bits for any size over 512, if you wrap it 16 times then you would run out of bits for any size over 128.

    In general you want to use "mediump" texture coordinates as much as possible (bandwidth is expensive), but you need to be aware at what point you need to switch up to "highp".


  • Hi Luc, 

    At resolutions that low you won't have a problem; the problems come when you are at the upper range of what an FP16 variable can store when using "mediump" texture coordinates.  

    FP16 can store 10 fractional bits, so gives you sampling accuracy in the 0-1 UV range of 1 part in 1024. If you have a texture that is e.g. 2048 texels wide you'll lack enough precision to address it accurately. This problem gets worse if you start UV wrapping - e.g. if you repeat a texture twice then you would run out of bits for any size over 512, if you wrap it 16 times then you would run out of bits for any size over 128.

    In general you want to use "mediump" texture coordinates as much as possible (bandwidth is expensive), but you need to be aware at what point you need to switch up to "highp".


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