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ARM V550/egile VPU Linux device drivers source code

Hi There,

I am looking for ARM V550/egile VPU Linux device drivers source code, where do I get it?   Does ARM supplies it?  Also how about the VPU internal firmware?

Kindly let me know the details asap.



  • Please correct me, if I am wrong.

    As per my previous answer, the driver and firmware is only available to licensees, with the exception of any kernel-side GPL components which are available as source from your device manufacturer as the GPL requires.

    The currently published GPL kernel source for many of our products can be found here (but doesn't include any Mali-VE drivers at this time), but this is only the kernel portion and does make a complete driver in most cases.

    Drivers - Mali Developer Center

    Kind regards,

  • Please correct me, if I am wrong.

    As per my previous answer, the driver and firmware is only available to licensees, with the exception of any kernel-side GPL components which are available as source from your device manufacturer as the GPL requires.

    The currently published GPL kernel source for many of our products can be found here (but doesn't include any Mali-VE drivers at this time), but this is only the kernel portion and does make a complete driver in most cases.

    Drivers - Mali Developer Center

    Kind regards,
