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Does mali400 support 64Bit DMA-BUF?


My Mali400 library version is r5p2-00rel. (MALI_VARIANT=mali400-r1p1-gles11-gles20-linux-dma_buf-no_profiling)

I have trouble like below at 64bit,


[   18.130000] Mali<2>: Executor: Mali page fault detected at 0x11468180 from bus id 5 of type read on Mali_PP0_MMU

[   18.140000] Mali<2>: Mali group: Executing recovery reset due to job failure

[   18.150000] Mali<2>: Mali PP: Hard reset of core Mali_PP0


I have 2 quetions.

<1> about Makefile.


SUPPORT64="$(shell echo | $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc -dM -E - | grep LP64)"

ifeq ($(findstring LP64,$(SUPPORT64)), LP64)

$(warning "Trying to build DX910 for 64-bit support, you will lose any further support from ARM.")

$(error "DX910 Mali DDK dose not support 64bit build.")



Like above, I wonder if this libary really don't support 64bit application using dma-buf.

Does mali400 r5p2 driver support 64bit?

<2> about 64bit example.

I tested 32bit examle using dma-buf and pixmap surface. It's working well.

After commenting like #$(error "DX910 Mali DDK dose not support 64bit build."),

I tested 64bit exampe with 64bit library and driver on ARM ARCH 64 kernel.

My application which is using dma-buf and pixmap has worked well with this library on 32bit.

But It makes errors on only 64bit. My linux kernel version is 3.10.49

And my another 64bit application not using dma-buf and pixmap has worked well with this library on ARM ARCH 64 kernel.

<My application error flow>


pixmap_input = CreatePixmap(texture_in_width, texture_in_height, hPixmap, 32);

eglCreatePixmapSurface( glesDisplay, config, (EGLNativePixmapType)pixmap_input, NULL );

: _egl_create_pixmap_surface() - __egl_mali_render_pixmap_to_surface() - _mali_frame_builder_flush() => this make errors.


I'd like to get some advices to fix it.

Thank you,


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