Very time i use the Frame Advisor 2024.6 to Profile my game, it crash after i start my game soon .
This is the log:
Cause: null pointer dereference
This is the callstack:
#00 pc 0000000000099ab8 /vendor/lib64/egl/ (BuildId: 22a5bfe8b6ce699286f23c59d33f2e88)
#01 pc 000000000026659c /data/data/com.mumu.p03/ (BuildId: 85c56d096145f303066993ad6d3defff4af2f289)
#02 pc 0000000000261ac8 /data/data/com.mumu.p03/ (BuildId: 85c56d096145f303066993ad6d3defff4af2f289)
The old GPU Profile Arm Graphics Analyzer is work OK, but is not supported.
My devices is Arm G610,and already been root.
Hi Mu mu,
Thank you for your message and apologies for the crash that you are experiencing.
Can you provide the frame advisor logs and the live.inteceptor files. These will be found in the logging directory, which you can determine by going into preferences (from the Configure menu), and then selecting Advanced options. Your logging directory will be shown there
This is my crash log.
The error.txt file is empty.
Fantastic, thanks for sharing that. Would you also be able to share logcat output?
This it my crash logcat output
I found the crash of the cause.
After i turn off the Unity option 'Optimize Frame Pacing', it is not crashed.
But When i click the capture button, it is not responed, and it is show "Collecting Preliminary state".
A few moments later, is show "Capture session terminated. Time out waiting for frame burst data"
That is interesting, thanks for sharing that.Regarding the time out, make sure that you have correctly set Open GL ES or Vulkan as the api to capture, otherwise the tool will wait for api calls that will not be sent.
I have already select the OpenGLEs, if i choose Vlukan, the Capture button is disable.
After i click the capture button.It show a dialog say "Starting new capture",after abount 10 seconds, it show another dialog"Capture session terminated:Time out waiting for frame burst data"
Choosing vulkan or GLES should not affect whether you can capture. You said you captured this ok with Graphics Analyzer, can you share the mgd file please?
This is the time out logcat output
This is my mgd use Graphics Analyzer.I use it to capture overdraw, and it is success.
Thanks very much. It looks like this is an issue in our api interceptor. If you are able to share the APK that would help us narrow things down. I've created a ticket to track this. Thank you very much for taking the time to report this issue and supplying the logs etc.
This is my test apk.I can caputre on this apk, but every time i click analyze button, it said "File cannot be read; No rendering contexts were found" and exit
Thanks very much I'll take a look.