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glTexImage2D memory leak

Hello Everyone! I have a question about function glTexImage2D.

There is some code that cause GL memory leak on the devices with mali gpu (t760) and force close android application.


    struct Vertex


         float x, y, z;

         float u, v;



    glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);

    glViewport(0, 0, 1440, 2560);




        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID);






        glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 1440, 2560, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);



        int position = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "aPosition");

        glVertexAttribPointer(hPosition, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), &vertexBuffer[0]);



        int texCoord = glGetAttribLocation(data.shader, "aTexCoord");

        glVertexAttribPointer(texCoord, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), &vertexBuffer[0].u);


        int textureLocation = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "texture0");

        glUniform1i(textureLocation, 0);

        glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);




The shaders program is a trivial, just gets texture sampler and draws at the target FBO.

This code is just rendering texture into FBO. On each steps texture is updated by glTexImage2D call.

The question is why this code leads to memory leak?

I suppose, the reason is that glTexImage2D on each call allocates new chunk of memory for texture's data.

Texture memory that are used at previous rendering step is never released, until we call glFinish or glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0).

It looks like some optimization on driver side, but is it standard behavior? Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks a lot!

P.S Code above works fine on the devices with Adreno GPU.

  • Hi Kirrero,

    I haven an answer for you.Your supposition about the behavior on Mali is quite correct,

    "the reason is that glTexImage2D on each call allocates new chunk of memory for texture's data. Texture memory that are used at previous rendering step is never released, until we call glFinish or glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0)."

    The reason behind this is that Mali is a deferred renderer.  What your sample code is doing is building an infinite queue of draw calls which we batch up ready to process when a flush occurs triggered by either from a call to glFinish or glBindFramebuffer.  The "old" texture data that was allocated and had your texture uploaded to can't be flushed because the draw calls using it haven't actually happened yet! The data has to be kept so the draw calls that sample from it can do so when that draw call is executed.

    Other immediate mode renders will process the issued draw call immediately so don't need to hang onto these textures in memory.

    I hope this helps,

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Kirrero,

    I haven an answer for you.Your supposition about the behavior on Mali is quite correct,

    "the reason is that glTexImage2D on each call allocates new chunk of memory for texture's data. Texture memory that are used at previous rendering step is never released, until we call glFinish or glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0)."

    The reason behind this is that Mali is a deferred renderer.  What your sample code is doing is building an infinite queue of draw calls which we batch up ready to process when a flush occurs triggered by either from a call to glFinish or glBindFramebuffer.  The "old" texture data that was allocated and had your texture uploaded to can't be flushed because the draw calls using it haven't actually happened yet! The data has to be kept so the draw calls that sample from it can do so when that draw call is executed.

    Other immediate mode renders will process the issued draw call immediately so don't need to hang onto these textures in memory.

    I hope this helps,

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Rich,

    Thanks a lot for answers, it realy helps for understanding how it works.

    But why driver can't push draw queue when glTexImage2D can't allocate needed memory or when a program is allocated too much gpu memory?

  • Hi Kirrero,

    Unfortunately I'm not in a position where I can comment on the internal workings of our driver, however, I can tell you that the driver team are now aware that you have encountered this situation.  This is not something that we have seen raised as an issue previously as far as I know.

    The behavior in this situation falls outside the scope of the GLES specification and is left to the vendor, and so the behavior on Mali is still compliant with the spec.

    The simple workaround for now would be to ensure that you are periodically flushing as this will avoid the OOM situation.

    Hope this Helps,
