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Using OpenCL on Odroid-XU3 is slower than without OpenCL

Hello, I'm using Odroid-XU3.
And I installed Opencv 3.0.0-rc1 on odroid-xu3 ubuntu 14.04.

I have two question.

First, In procedure installing opencv, there's no opencl sdk directory option.
I just check 'WITH_OPENCL' and etc.
But, Using OpenCL function is successful.

Second, I tested OpenCV with OpenCL.
I referenced the website
However, With OpenCL running time is 400ms and without OpenCL running time is 152ms.
I want to solve the weird problem.

Please help me
Thank you

  • Hi,

    Looks like everything is working as expected: you don't need to link against the Mali OpenCL SDK to get OpenCL support in OpenCV.

    Like Tim explained, the reason it's slower is that the API is synchronous which is not suitable for GPUs. Moreover the OpenCL kernels have been written for a scalar architecture whereas Mali is vector based.

  • Hi,

    Looks like everything is working as expected: you don't need to link against the Mali OpenCL SDK to get OpenCL support in OpenCV.

    Like Tim explained, the reason it's slower is that the API is synchronous which is not suitable for GPUs. Moreover the OpenCL kernels have been written for a scalar architecture whereas Mali is vector based.
