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ERROR: The DDK is not compatible with any of the Mali GPUs on the system. | GPU: Mali-T76x SoC: RK3288W Midgard

I need to run an application developed by us on a Firefly development board with RK3288W SoC. The same application runs fine on the Firefly with RK3288 SoC but this latest SoC is discontinued so we are forced to use the RK3288W.

When I ran the app on Firefly RK3288W, I got the following error message:ERROR: The DDK is not compatible with any of the Mali GPUs on the system.

The DDK was built for 0x750 r0p0 status range [1..1], but none of the GPUs matched:
/dev/mali0 detected as 0x750 r1p0 status 0
Could not initialize egl display

Kernel space driver version:

root@ubuntu:/# cat sys/module/mali_kbase/version
r13p0-00rel0 (UK version 10.4)

User space driver version:

malit76xr6p002rel0linux1fbdev (r6)


Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS


root@ubuntu:/# uname -r

I check kernel logs related with mali:

  • RK3288W Firefly (app crashes when running):

root@ubuntu:/home/sbox# dmesg | grep mali
[ 1.491630] mali ffa30000.gpu: Failed to get regulator
[ 1.496810] mali ffa30000.gpu: Power control initialization failed
[ 3.946399] W : [File] : drivers/gpu/arm/midgard_for_linux/platform/rk/mali_kbase_config_rk.c; [Line] : 107; [Func] : kbase_platform_rk_init(); power-off-delay-ms not available.
[ 3.946598] mali ffa30000.gpu: GPU identified as 0x0750 r1p0 status 0
[ 3.946875] I : [File] : drivers/gpu/arm/midgard_for_linux/backend/gpu/mali_kbase_devfreq.c; [Line] : 271; [Func] : kbase_devfreq_init(); success initing power_model_simple.
[ 3.965641] mali ffa30000.gpu: Probed as mali0

  • RK3288 Firefly (app runs successfully):

root@ubuntu:~# dmesg | grep mali
[ 1.511718] mali ffa30000.gpu: Failed to get regulator
[ 1.516876] mali ffa30000.gpu: Power control initialization failed
[ 3.942322] W : [File] : drivers/gpu/arm/midgard_for_linux/platform/rk/mali_kbase_config_rk.c; [Line] : 107; [Func] : kbase_platform_rk_init(); power-off-delay-ms not available.
[ 3.958326] mali ffa30000.gpu: GPU identified as 0x0750 r0p0 status 1
[ 3.965104] I : [File] : drivers/gpu/arm/midgard_for_linux/backend/gpu/mali_kbase_devfreq.c; [Line] : 271; [Func] : kbase_devfreq_init(); success initing power_model_simple.
[ 3.985081] mali ffa30000.gpu: Probed as mali0


- Firefly RK3288

root@ubuntu:~# cat /sys/devices/platform/ffa30000.gpu/gpuinfo
Mali-T76x MP4 r0p0 0x0750

- Firefly RK3288W

root@ubuntu:~# cat /sys/devices/platform/ffa30000.gpu/gpuinfo
Mali-T76x MP4 r1p0 0x0750

I have tried updating the kernel space driver. I was only able to upgrade to version r16p0-00rel0 but the result was the same.

I tried to update the userspace driver to fbdeb version r12 but got another type of error: root@ubuntu:/home/sbox# ./FwTestTool
./FwTestTool: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by /usr/lib/


As can be seen, the GPU in the RK3288W is identified as 0x0750 r1p0 status 0 while in the RK3288 it is identified as 0x0750 r0p0 status 1.
Does anyone know what r0p0 and r0p1 mean? What is status 1 or 0?

  • It's the hardware version (release and patch level). The Mali user-space drivers are built against a specific hardware version, so this sounds like you'll need a newer user-space driver from Rockchip. 


  • error: root@ubuntu:/home/sbox# ./FwTestTool
    ./FwTestTool: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by /usr/lib/

    Thank you very much for your reply Peter. Your information is very useful to me!

    As I mentioned in the post, I tried to update the user space driver without success. I currently have malit76xr6p002rel0linux1fbdevtar userspace driver. I tried to update to malit76xr12p004rel0linux1fbdevtar but got the mentioned error.

    The problem seems to be related to the symbolic link

    sbox@ubuntu:/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf$ ls -lah | grep libstdc++
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Feb 13 2018 ->
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 622K Feb 13 2018

    I think I should get Perhaps this can be achieved by updating the glibc library, but in ubuntu 14.04 I already have the latest update via apt.

    Any ideas on how to fix this problem so that the user space driver works correctly?

  • Assume this needs a newer Ubuntu - 14.04 is out of support - but presumably Rockchip can provide more information about what they expect to work given they built the libraries. 

  • Yes, I agree that the version of Ubuntu needed an update.
    Thank you very much for your help Peter!