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Does Mali T760 support UMP?

I know Mali400 and Mali 6xx support UMP. to accelerate performance.

Does Mali T760 support UMP?

If answer is "yes", I will try to develop with my Firefly board.

Thanks for replying.

  • Hi mop, Chris,

    Headers are there indeed, however functions are not included in libmali binary so you will get stuck with linking errors . I got stuck and then checked using objdump -T.

    Related to this I have a more specific but similar question (or do I need to start a new discussion?):

    I got the hardware video decoder working on my firefly/rk3288. I can blit the yuv/nv21 output frame to rgb frame memory using fireflys dedicated 2d acceleration hardware. All I need right now is a memory pointer, pointing directly to the texture memory, in order to use the video frame in my shaders. In android I would create a GraphicBuffer object and this to eglCreateImageKHR()+glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES. Right now I use glTexSubImage2D to copy and I get about 12 fps for 1920x1080 frames.

    What is the best way to do this for firefly linux 3.10 with fbdev mali t760 driver? How can I get a pointer sharing CPU/GPU texture memory? UMP isnt there it seems. And is there maybe some sample code available?

    EDIT: I just started another discussion/thread for this, not to interfere with this one: How to share texture memory between CPU/GPU for firefly's/rk3288 fbdev Mali-T764

  • Hi mop, Chris,

    Headers are there indeed, however functions are not included in libmali binary so you will get stuck with linking errors . I got stuck and then checked using objdump -T.

    Related to this I have a more specific but similar question (or do I need to start a new discussion?):

    I got the hardware video decoder working on my firefly/rk3288. I can blit the yuv/nv21 output frame to rgb frame memory using fireflys dedicated 2d acceleration hardware. All I need right now is a memory pointer, pointing directly to the texture memory, in order to use the video frame in my shaders. In android I would create a GraphicBuffer object and this to eglCreateImageKHR()+glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES. Right now I use glTexSubImage2D to copy and I get about 12 fps for 1920x1080 frames.

    What is the best way to do this for firefly linux 3.10 with fbdev mali t760 driver? How can I get a pointer sharing CPU/GPU texture memory? UMP isnt there it seems. And is there maybe some sample code available?

    EDIT: I just started another discussion/thread for this, not to interfere with this one: How to share texture memory between CPU/GPU for firefly's/rk3288 fbdev Mali-T764
