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Problem with current Mali version

After upgrading my Windows 7 installation of Mali to version 2.1 using the installer, multisampling doesn't work anymore for my application beside the program successfully choosing a configuration that supports it. I also get lots of bad allocs. Any ideas?

  • Hello,

    thanks for your answer. Yes, it's about the Mali OpenGL ES emulator version 2.1. I had it upgraded from a version unknown to me because the dFdx / dFdy functions from the #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives gave strange results in fragment shader. The graphics board is a AMD Radeon HD 7470. The driver is a Catalyst 8.922.0.0 version.


  • Hello,

    thanks for your answer. Yes, it's about the Mali OpenGL ES emulator version 2.1. I had it upgraded from a version unknown to me because the dFdx / dFdy functions from the #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives gave strange results in fragment shader. The graphics board is a AMD Radeon HD 7470. The driver is a Catalyst 8.922.0.0 version.

