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OpenGL ES under crouton/Ubuntu ARM Chromebook


I am trying to run sample code for Mali_OpenGL_ES_SDK_v2.4.4 on a SAMSUNG ARM Chromebook.

I was able to run examples for OpenCL SDK 1.1.0 following

     Random ideas of a drinking cat: OpenCL on the Samsung Chromebook ARM, under crouton

This leads me to believe I downloaded the proper user side mali drivers.

I set BASH shell variables:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/home/mfilmore/Mali/lib/x11

export TOOLCHAIN_ROOT=/usr/bin/

export TARGET=arm

export DISPLAY=:0.0

I followed


to compile samples.

Samples fail to run based on unable to initialize openGL ES:


(trusty)mfilmore@localhost:~/Mali/Mali_OpenGL_ES_SDK_v2.4.4/bin_arm/opengles_20/antialias$ ./antialias

No protocol specified

Error: eglGetError(): 12289 (0x3001)

Error: Failed to initialize EGL at ../../simple_framework/src/EGLRuntime.cpp:245


This leads me to believe the code is having a problem initializing the display.

Can some kind person help me out here?

Thanks much,


  • Hi Mike,

    The samples out of the box currently build only for FBDEV on arm platforms, not X11. You should be able to run the samples against the FBDEV drivers. Alternatively you can run the samples on desktop against the emulator. We have an outstanding ticket to add X11 support for ARM platforms, and we have raised the priority in light of this confusion.



  • Hi Mike,

    Chris is right that by default the CMake build system targets fbdev when cross compiling for an ARM target.  When it builds targeting the emulator, however, you can see that it builds and links against X11.  If you modify the CMake file it is possible to make it build for X11 when targeting arm too.

    Hope this helps,


  • mali-t60x_r4p1-00rel0_linux_1+fbdev.tar.gz gives the same (failing) resut.

  • Hmmm..

    Tried  mali-t60x_r5p0-06rel0_linux_1+fbdev.tar.gz

    Same symptom.  ldd shows fbdev driver being linked.


    (trusty)mfilmore@localhost:~/Mali/Mali_OpenGL_ES_SDK_v2.4.4/bin_arm/opengles_20/antialias$ ./antialias

    Error: eglGetError(): 12289 (0x3001)

    Error: Failed to initialize EGL at ../../simple_framework/src/EGLRuntime.cpp:245

    (trusty)mfilmore@localhost:~/Mali/Mali_OpenGL_ES_SDK_v2.4.4/bin_arm/opengles_20/antialias$ ldd antialias => /home/mfilmore/Mali/lib/fbdev/ (0xb5d3d000) => /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb5c81000) => /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb5c15000) => /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb5bf4000) => /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb5b0d000) => /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb5aff000) => /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb5ae3000) => /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb5ad8000)

        /lib/ (0xb6f41000)


    What am I missing here?



  • Ah.  Found the proper libraries!  The correct version is


    Now both OpenCL and OpenGL ES samples work.

    On to x11 so that I can see something interesting..


  • Hi mfilmore,

    Sorry I didn't spot this before, the userspace and kernel space need to match, which I think you solved with that final post I believe there would be an error printed to dmesg in the case that there was a mismatch.

