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Streamline bandwidth stats on ARM Mali Midgard (T6xx- T7xx)

My experiment machines are Note 3 and Note 4.

I have a free edition of DS-5 Version-20

I have couple of questions with regards to GPU BandWidth stats reported by Streamline -

-  On T628 (Note3) Read and Write BEATs reported on a simple app seem to be 66% of expected value. Is this a known bug on bandwidth PMs on T6xx?

   My test app reads in randomly generated texture and draws it on the screen - since every frame is a new/random texture there is no Transaction elimination in play.

- I tried the same experiment on Note 4 - but Rd/Wr BEATs and many other stats stay blank (report Zero) on this T7xx system. Is this a known issue? are these stats not available on T7xx Mali arch OR is this something to do with using free version of DS-5?

Thanks !

Parents Reply Children
  • The only Mali-T760 developer board I am aware of at the moment is this one, but I'm not used it personally so not sure availability, software support, etc (It's not one of the boards we are providing binary drivers for).

    There will no doubt be more boards available as chipsets containing the Mali-T760 become more widely available.
