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Arm Offline Comlier's Performance analysis Not Including "Instructions Emitted"

The latest version(2019.2) of Arm Mobile Studio's Arm Offline Compiler doesn't output information "Instructions Emitted", but "Total Instruction Cycles"

Where can I download the history release builds of Arm Mobile Studio? At least I got the "Instructions Emitted" report last year.

  • According to official doc,

    "Instructions Emitted:

    The number of instructions of each type that are present in the shader program. This row gives a sense of the overall size of the program, ignoring any control flow. This row is specific to Midgard GPUs."

    So the thread can be closed due to my miss understanding.

  • Note that in the next release we will be standardizing on "Total Instruction Cycles" for all GPUs, including Midgard. This is simply a performance normalized version of the "Instructions Emitted" data.