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unknown CPU architecture

Hi, Guys,

I compiled a shared object using mali GPU. But when linking it to produce an application I got an error:.../ CPU architecture.The CFLAGES is  -mcpu=cortex-a15  -O2.

What's wrong? I need some help.

Best Regards!

Parents Reply Children
  • Aha, Pete's message made me do a bit more digging. The SoC you pulled that lib from is 64 bit, i.e. AArch64, so that explains why the arm-linux-androideabi compiler does not recognise the architecture. I'm not sure why the AArch64 compiler skips it however. That said, if you're using ndk-build then there's generally no reason to be pointing the build system to any particular compiler in your file. Is there any particular reason you don't just set APP-ABI := arm64-v8a in your file, and let the build system pick the right compiler for you? The examples that come with the NDK should serve as examples of this.

