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Messed up texture coordinates on Mali-T628 (not using mediump...)

We recently released our game on Google Play, and it is going great.

Though on devices with Mali T628 (Galaxy Tab S, Galaxy Note 3) there is an issue with texture coordinates..

Works fine on all other platforms.

I found a post here about there being an issue with mediump, but we are using highp in our shader.

I'm attaching a screen shot here, and the relevant shaders.

Any ideas what could go wrong?

This shader is for the environment (not working):


Loaded vertex shader: bmxshaders/MultiTextureT0T2.vsh - ID: 4

precision highp float;

attribute vec4 a_position;

attribute vec2 a_texCoord0;

attribute vec2 a_texCoord2;

varying vec2 v_texCoord0;

varying vec2 v_texCoord2;

uniform mat4 u_matWVP;

void main()


     gl_Position = u_matWVP * a_position;

     v_texCoord0 = a_texCoord0;

     v_texCoord2 = a_texCoord2;



Loaded pixel shader bmxshaders/MultiTextureT0s1d0T2s2d0.fsh - ID: 5

precision highp float;

varying vec2 v_texCoord0;

varying vec2 v_texCoord2;

uniform sampler2D s_texture0;

uniform sampler2D s_texture2;

void main()


     vec4 color0;

     vec4 color1;

     color0 = texture2D(s_texture0, v_texCoord0);

     color1 = texture2D(s_texture2, v_texCoord2);

     gl_FragColor = color0 * color1;



This shader is for the bike (seems to work fine):


Loaded vertex shader: bmxshaders/LightingSimpleDirNoScaleNormals.vsh - ID: 16

precision highp float;

struct light


  vec3 position;

  vec4 ambient;

  vec4 diffuse;

  vec4 specular;

  // only directional light is supported


const float c_zero = 0.0;

const float c_one = 1.0;

uniform light u_light0;

attribute vec4 a_position;

attribute vec3 a_normal;

attribute vec2 a_texCoord;

varying vec2 v_texCoord;

varying vec4 v_color;

uniform mat4 u_matWVP;

uniform mat3 u_matWVNormals;

void main()


  float ndotl;

  vec3 n;

  n = u_matWVNormals * a_normal;

  v_color = vec4(0,0,0,1);

  v_color += u_light0.ambient;

  ndotl = max(dot(,n), c_zero);

  v_color += (ndotl * u_light0.diffuse);

  gl_Position = u_matWVP * a_position;

  v_texCoord = a_texCoord;



Loaded pixel shader bmxshaders/Lighting.fsh - ID: 17

precision highp float;

varying vec2 v_texCoord;

varying vec4 v_color;

uniform sampler2D s_texture0;

void main()


    gl_FragColor = texture2D(s_texture0, v_texCoord) * v_color;



Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Olof,

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I have been able to download and test the latest version of the game from Google Play Store and can confirm that the changes made to the shaders haven't fixed the issues being experienced on any of the T6XX devices I have tested with.  I have been able to test a number of fixes internally but haven't yet isolated the cause of the issue.

    To help at our end are you able to provide any reproducer code which we can investigate, rendering just the crane for example, as I am a little limited just being able to modify shader source at run-time.  If you would rather not share it here, please feel free to contact me privately where I can assist further.

    In the meantime, I am actively continuing to look into the problem and will of course let you know if I have any news.  Could I also suggest that, for performance reasons on other platforms, you revert the changes to the shader code in your public release as it doesn't fix the issue.

    Many Thanks,


  • Hi Rich,

    No problem, it's awesome that you are helping us! I think it might be a bit tricky for me to provide reproduction code, its running in an early version of our in house engine, and it might be hard to isolate the relevant parts. I'll look into what I can do and what I am allowed to share.

    If you have any ideas of things to try, or debug outputs I could add, I could also provide you with special builds by mail or ftp, bypassing the Google Play store.



  • Hi Olof,

    If you'd like to give me a PM I can give you details on how best to contact more directly through email and it will also help at my end with correspondence being logged to work tickets automatically.  I can also give you feedback on what I've found so far.

