Hi all
I am using MDK 5.41, CMSIS-Pack-STM32C0xx_DFP-V2.0.0, on my target board using STM32C071CB (128K - flash)
on the setup on Cortex-M Target driver setup for flash download tab, it seems Keil did not get the correct driver for the part:
The flash driver that MDK recommended is STM32Cx_64, reporting the device size of 64K (which is wrong), while the address range is correct - 08000000H-0801FFFFH
I can locate STM32Cx_128.FLM driver file there from file explorer but clicking ADD button did not show there is that STM32Cx_128 in the list.
Is that something I can do to make STM32Cx_128 to be selectable and tried.
As a matter of fact, I still struggle with flashing my target board of STM32C071CB MCU though.
I have posted another message about my problem in ST community forum:
While you have a STM32C071CB on your board, what device is selected in your project? Maybe you have selected a device with 64k flash.
If you have followed this post, the screen capture, and my 1st post did mentioned that the flash address range is correct - 08000000H-0801FFFFH. And I did select the correct device with 128K flash. So this is not due to wrong selection of device though.
Sorry, what device have you selected in your project? This is not visible in any screenshot here in this forum thread.
The part that was used was STM32C071CB.
I think that was in the title of my initial post.
Please share a screenshot with the Options for Target ... -> Device and/or Target tab that shows what device is selected in the project.
here you are, if you think this helps.
Ok, according to the pdsc, for this device the STM32C0x_128.FLM is in use. Could be, the STM32C0x_128.FLM in the pack was build with wrong options at some time before the project got corrected. Because, just rebuilding the STM32C0x_128.FLM fixes the display issue.
So can you please open ...\PACK\Keil\STM32C0xx_DFP\2.1.0\CMSIS\Flash\STM32C0x\STM32C0xx.uvprojx, then select the STM32C0x_128 target and rebuild it. After that, what do you get?