uVision 5.39 C++ class template autocomplete/intellisense


While trying out some C++ code within uVision, I have noticed that the autocomplete/intellisense does not work for template types.

Are there any plans to improve the autocomplete/intellisense in uVision such that it works also for C++ template types?

  • Forgot to add that if I comment out the line with #include <array>, the intellisense works again also for MDK5.39 case with ACOMPE 6.21.

    While the example does not need that include, the original code in which I found the issue, does need the include.

  • Forgot to add that if I comment out the line with #include <array>, the intellisense works again also for MDK5.39 case with ACOMPE 6.21.

    While the example does not need that include, the original code in which I found the issue, does need the include.
