embos on stm32 would crash in keil


I have setup a simple project to test embos with stm32f103rbt device, I just used the default settings, after changing the default complier warnings to MISRA compatible and changed the C standard to C99 and C++ to C++11 most of the errors would go away, But still there is two errors

.\Objects\marlin.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol Stack_Mem (referred from os_initsysstackinfo.o).
.\Objects\marlin.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol __initial_sp (referred from os_initsysstackinfo.o).

So after searching I think I should make these symbols exported in the startup assembly file, So I tried to use these lines in the startup assembly file like this

Stack_Size   EQU   0x00000400

; EXPORT the Stack_Mem and __initial_sp symbols for use in C files

EXPORT Stack_Mem

EXPORT __initial_sp

But it would generate an error like this

.\Objects\marlin.axf: error: L6002U: Could not open file .\objects\startup_stm32f10x_md.o: No such file or directory

another solution would be to comment  these lines 

OS_SysStackBaseAddr = (unsigned long) &Stack_Mem;
OS_SysStackSize = (unsigned int) ((unsigned long)&__initial_sp - (unsigned long)&Stack_Mem);
OS_SysStackLimit = (unsigned long) &__initial_sp;

in the OS_InitSysStackInfo function, Now the project would be build and when I try to debug it it would crash, so How should I test this os?