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"μVision" shows "礦ision" problem

When I use Windows (chinese simplified edition). After installing Keil MDK, the file type displays "礦ision" instead of "μVision".

I guess it's because of ASCII

  • I guess it's because of ASCII

    That's very close. The Windows code page 1252 (see defines a character set for Latin characters. Especially the characters above the value 128 are country-specific and cannot be translated to other code pages. The character 'µ' (dec 230) is one of those. Even µVision itself will show a different character instead of the 'µ' when you use a Chinese version of Windows. The same applies for characters like '\' (backslash) and some others. There is nothing you can do against that except using a Windows version with Latin characters. 

  • I guess it's because of ASCII

    That's very close. The Windows code page 1252 (see defines a character set for Latin characters. Especially the characters above the value 128 are country-specific and cannot be translated to other code pages. The character 'µ' (dec 230) is one of those. Even µVision itself will show a different character instead of the 'µ' when you use a Chinese version of Windows. The same applies for characters like '\' (backslash) and some others. There is nothing you can do against that except using a Windows version with Latin characters. 
