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"Pre_Include_Global.h" forces the use of HAL

Hi everyone! This is my first post here. Thank you everybody in advance for your help.

I am using:

KEIL MDK version


DFP version 2.1.1

I created a project from scratch. I didn´t select the use of HAL in the Run-Time-Environment. The problem is the auto generated Pre_Include_Global.h file that Keil generates. In this file there is a #define directive that forces the use of HAL. Because of this, you can´t compile the program, as the compiler can´t find the HAL header files.

You can comment out the line  #define USE_HAL_DRIVER , but every time the project is opened, Pre_Include_Global.h is regenerated. Because of this,  #define USE_HAL_DRIVER is uncommented again and the problem persists.

Could anyone help? Thanks.